• Back to Business: Protect Your Business from Cybercriminals

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    Name: Back to Business: Protect Your Business from Cybercriminals
    Date: June 3, 2020
    Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    The Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Presents: the Back to Business series part 3. This series is to help our members get back to business while navigating this temporary new normal.
    This week we'll hear from TeamLogic IT's owner, Ryan Mann, as he explains how to protect yourself and your business while working from home.

    REGISTER HERE to receive meeting details: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VZLGMRp0QDGv7jxp69Fw_g

    About TeamLogic IT:
    "At TeamLogic IT, we leverage technology to your advantage. We’re your ear to the ground and your muscle in the trenches—assessing equipment performance, troubleshooting issues, managing upgrades and installations, leveraging trends and much more to help you get the most from your technology investment.

    Managed IT functions much like your own business – success depends on a structured framework. There is no single silver bullet that warns off intruders, banishes trouble or protects your data. That’s why TeamLogic IT provides a comprehensive approach to Managed IT Services that focuses on delivering the highest levels of availability and security anytime, anywhere – from end user devices such as laptops, desktops, and smartphones to servers, virtualization, cloud computing and IT optimization. We cover your entire network both on-site and off premise, delivering Managed IT Services at every level."

    To learn more, please visit https://www.teamlogicit.com/mountainviewca508/

    Meeting details will be sent once you register.
    Online via Zoom. Please register to receive the meeting details. Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VZLGMRp0QDGv7jxp69Fw_g
    Date/Time Information:
    June 3rd, 2020. 1 PM.
    Contact Information:
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