What the Rental Housing Industry Needs to Know is an informative guide from the California Apartment Association. They gave also published these safety guidelines for reopening vacation rental properties
Apartment Guide has also provided an analysis of The Implications of COVID on the Rental Market.
The Mountain View City Council passed an urgency ordinance to suspend evictions for nonpayment of rent through late September for those who qualify due to COVID-related hardships. This has now been extended through December.
The ordinance is a follow-on to the Santa Clara county moratorium on evictions. The Office of Supportive Housing provides this FAQ with information for landlords and tenants.
California's Project Roomkey is a new program to help unstably housed individuals or those experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tenants in need of rent help should go through CSA by sending an email RentHelp@csacares.org.
#Together MV - The City of Mountain View has set up a donation portal to raise funds for small businesses and rental relief